Monday, 21 March 2016

Task 16a

Task 16a:

Using w3schools.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Task 8 and 9

Task 8 and 9:

Where does the text "My First Page" appear?

<title>My First Page</title>

"My First Page" appears in the tab title of the page but not in the actual page itself.

<title>Jasmine Burgess-Moyle</title>

Task 7

Task 7:

Using w3schools.

What does this do?: <p> Hello world! </p> 

In HTML we need to use a start tag and an end tag. The <p> and </p> before Hello world! are a start tag and an end tag and p is the tag name for paragraph. They do not show up and only show the content in between.

Task 6

Task 6:


A HTML tag is a keyword (tag name) surrounded by angle brackets.

<tag name>content</tag name>

HTML tags usually come in pairs, a start tag (<p>) and an end tag (</p>). The end tag is written like the start tag but with a slash before the tag name.


HTML Elements are written with a start tag and an end tag with the content in between. The HTML element is anything from the start to the end of the tag.

<p>Jasmine's Paragraph</p>


Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. Attributes are always specified in the start tag and come in name/value pairs like: name="value".

<html lang="en-US">

Task 27

Task 27:

Doing the exercises at w3schools.

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Task 26

Task 26:

Doing the exercises at w3schools.

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Exercise 3:

Exercise 4:

Exercise 5:

Exercise 6:

Task 25.1

Task 25.1:

Doing the exercises at w3schools.

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Exercise 3:

Exercise 4:

Exercise 5:

Task 23

Task 23:

I had to pick 3 animal pictures I like from the web and these are the 3 that I picked.

A family of lions walking down a road.

Friends - A puppy and a duckling.

A cute kitten.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Task 22

Task 22:

Doing the exercises on W3Schools.

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Exercise 3:

Exercise 4:

Exercise 5:

Task 20

Task 20:

100 words about myself, my educational history, my family life, pets and hobbies. I used different formatting tags while doing this task. I am using w3schools to learn how to do HTML.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Task 18

Task 18:

Doing subscript text with HTML. I am using w3schools to learn how to do HTML.

And the best browser is... (Task 17)

Task 17:

I agree that Firefox is one of the best internet browsers but was surprised about a few of the others. This site shows which browsers are the fastest, which have the better features, security and help and support. You can compare the different browsers on this site as well.

Task 16

Task 16:

Just a script using all the different headers with HTML. I am using w3schools to learn how to do html.

Task 15

Task 15:

Just a simple script with HTML doing bold, italic and underlined font. I also added a image. I am using w3schools to learn how to do HTML.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

HTML Text Editors Task 14

Task 14:

There are different HTML editors you can use to do HTML. Here are two of them.

Text Wrangler:

Text Wrangler is a good general purpose text editor for Macs. It does an excellent job editing, searching and transforming text and HTML code. It is fast and functional and has a convenient autosave feature. 


Notepad++ is a powerful, feature-packed text editor. It supports 27 programming languages, searches regular expressions, and supports highlighting and folding, synchronized edits and views, and much more. 

HTML Task 12

Task 12:

Playing around with doing paragraphs with HTML. I am using w3schools to learn how to do HTML.

HTML Task 11

Task 11:

Doing different headings with HTML. I am using w3schools to learn how to do HTML.